Reflections of Light Reiki, LLC

(732) 604-2282

(732) 606-4808  

Available By Appointment

DCI Stargate Sessions

"Merging with a Field of Love"

Experience the Energy of Connection

A Stargate session is an energy experience that offers a connection to the higher dimensions of your being.

When you experience a Stargate session, you relax in a comfortable reclining chair in the center of the Stargate surrounded by handcrafted lead free orbs. You wear a pair of stereo headphones, hold an orb in your hands, close your eyes and listen to encoded music specially designed to activate a field of light and information that allows you to connect with fuller knowing of all that you are.

Each Stargate session is different, opening the experience that each individual needs in that particular moment.

Experiences of those who have benefitted from a Stargate session include (but are not limited to):
deep relaxing meditation
improvement and/or release of physical issues
a release of deep emotions
seeing light in moving and changing shape and color
audible hearing of sounds
connection of guides and angels

The more consistently you experience Stargate sessions, the more your body and your being are able to hold the newer, higher vibrational patterns in your life.

Location of the Stargate is in Ocean County New Jersey. If interested call Ann @ 732-604-2282