Reflections of Light Reiki, LLC

(732) 604-2282


Available By Appointment

Woman receiving healing touch therapy in Ocean Township, NJ.

Practice Your Reiki Skills in Ocean Township, NJ

Get together with other practitioners for a Reiki share at Reflections of Light Reiki. These Reiki Shares in Ocean Township, NJ, are great opportunity to practice your Reiki Skills by giving and receiving Reiki in a warm, welcoming environment. Anyone who has completed Level I Reiki training or an equivalent course is welcome to attend. A Reiki share is a great way to get together with other practictioners to understand our spiritual wellness therapy workshops.

Give & Receive

Each participant in a Reiki share will have the opportunity to both give and receive Reiki healing touch therapy. The group will also send distant Reiki based on their collective concerns.

Date: Sunday, To be determined
Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Price: $20 

Please contact Ann@ 732-604-2282 to register