Reflections of Light Reiki, LLC

(732) 604-2282


Available By Appointment

Lady receiving chakra healing meditation in Ocean Township, NJ.

Discover the Rising Star Healing System in Ocean Township, NJ

The Rising Star Healing System in Ocean Township, NJ, is one of the most simple and powerful complementary healing systems on the planet. The system raises the vibration of the human energy field — also known as the aura — that exists around every living thing and brings the body, mind, and spirit back into balance. The Rising Star draws from all other holistic healing systems on the planet and adds its own unique modalities. The Rising Star is a living energy, which means that it will incorporate new healing systems as they come into existence. Ann Mort offers Rising Star healing sessions for $100.00

Source-to-Source Healing

A Rising Star is a form of Source-to-Source healing that promotes unity consciousness. The healing comes from God above and goes to the God within the client. This process is assisted by Higher Beings, who know what the client needs on all levels. These Higher Beings have even greater insight than clients have themselves. Every Rising Star session is unique because with each session; the client is brought what they need as a unique individual with our mediation services.

A Rising Star healing session restructures the client's energy circuits, allowing them to hold a higher frequency, by working on all levels of the client, including the physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, etheric, and energetic levels. You don't have to have faith, follow a specific religion, or even believe in Rising Star for it to be effective. It merely takes a willingness to want to heal.

5 Elements, 7 Levels, 40 Strands

The Rising Star works on the five elements — fire, water, air, earth, and ether. It also works on all seven body systems. The seven body systems are like seven layers of energy around a person. The physical body is the first and most dense body system.

The Rising Star can also activate DNA up to the 40th strand. Each Rising Star healing session activates as much DNA as the client can activate during the chakra cleansing meditation. When that DNA is fully integrated, and the client is ready to have more DNA activated, they will be strongly urged to receive another Rising Star session.

A Life-Changing Experience

The Rising Star Healing System stills the mind and transfers divine life energy and opening chakras to the part of your being that needs it most in order to deliver healing and rebalancing. Because it works on so many different levels at once, a person receiving it for a specific ailment — say, for a bad back — may find that another illness is also healed.

Rising Star was channeled by Derek O'Neill, a psychotherapist, healer, and instrument of Divine energy from Ireland. Since then, thousands around the world have been trained and healed through the Rising Star Healing System and have agreed that it is very effective — and in some cases, life-changing.

Why Three Healing Sessions Are Recommended

During the first holistic healing session, your mind will want to follow what the practitioner is doing. Most people don't fully switch off and relax deeply. During the second session, the mind lets go of control more so that deeper issues can be dealt with — by you and by the loving help of Divine energy. In the third session, every part of your being is filled with love and light, as you are now ready to let go of the issue or disease.

The overall response to this system speaks for itself. Many who have received the Rising Star go on to become practitioners themselves.